It's no secret, exercise is important for maintaining body fitness. Unfortunately, even though various plans to maintain exercise routines have been prepared, feeling lazy is still able to prevent the intention to live a healthy life.

Then, how to maintain fitness even though feeling lazy continues to abuse? Now, experts find practical solutions for maintaining body fitness without having to make extra effort. If you want to live a healthy life, what you need is a little adjustment.
The coach Cassie White, said there are several examples of simple activities that can help maintain fitness. According to White, activities such as riding a bicycle, hiking with friends, or using an eliptical machine while watching television can be an alternative sport. "Make sure we do it with fast steps that require effort," he said.
The exact duration of time, for strong physical activity intensity can be done between 75-150 minutes. This means that drinking exercise that we have to do to be healthy is 2.5 hours per week, by doing moderate activities such as walking, bicycle, or swimming.
Meanwhile, for high activity, such as running or participating in high intensity interval sports, the minimum duration for doing this is one and a half hours per week. Meanwhile, muscle strengthening activities, such as push ups, sit ups, and squats, must be done at least twice a week.
This is done to maintain muscle mass, which in turn protects the joints, and cartilage. It is also recommended to reduce the amount of time we spend sitting. This is important because, as the Mayo Clinic reports, the more time spent sitting each day, the higher the risk of metabolic problems.
This condition can ultimately affect health and life expectancy. In fact, this risk still lurks even though we carry out daily physical activities with the recommended amount. In addition, more exercise is needed if you want to lose weight, maintain weight loss, or maintain fitness.
Mentioned, there will be more health benefits if the duration of exercise increases to 300 minutes or more in a week. In addition, for those who do not have enough time to exercise, they can break up the exercise routine into several parts.
For example, if we can't exercise by walking for 30 minutes, try a few steps for five minutes instead. No matter how small physical activity we do, it will bring goodness, compared to not doing exercise at all.
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